Name: | Renata Ilayze Stone |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | ROANOKE, VA |
Comments: | See ya, when i see ya, which will most likely be tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and so on. |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | me |
What's your favorite character class/race? | me |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | me |
June 23, 2000 16:38:07 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Filip Sablik |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | B'more |
Comments: | Them's some funny quotes! Good stuff! |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | Forgotten Realms |
What's your favorite character class/race? | bards/half-elves and just once half-drow mage/priest with red hair... |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | yup. |
June 15, 2000 03:16:17 (GMT Time) |
Name: | LiNdSaY |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | UmMmMmM.......IdK |
Comments: | HeY hEy ThErE mR. sExY mAn!!(I mEaN kYlE) YoUr PaGe Is KiNdA sCaRy BuT iT'lL bE oTaY!! |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | huh???? |
What's your favorite character class/race? | MaGeNtA oFf Of BlUeS cLuEs |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | no |
June 10, 2000 23:25:21 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Whatever... |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Krynn |
Comments: | Hey, just testing this thing out again because there have been a few problems that I noticed. Hopefully they're all fixed by now. Anyway, thanks to everyone who's coming here (we've reaced 100 now!). I know it's mostly the same people, but there are some more of you out there, so sign the guestbook so we can get some feedback! |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | Dragonlance (it hasn't changed). |
What's your favorite character class/race? | Mages/Gully dwarves (now there's a combination I hope I never see...) |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | Shadowrun, and I've done Whitewolf a couple of times. |
June 6, 2000 17:29:13 (GMT Time) |
Name: | cAnDiCe tHa AnGeL |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | My mommie |
Comments: | hAy kYLe, wUt ^? wELLs yOu rEaLLy sCaRe mE w/ aLL tHiS jAnK bOuT wItChEs, bUt it Be oTaY..wELL..Buh bYeS!!! |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | what?? |
What's your favorite character class/race? | umm..mickey mouse |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | no |
June 6, 2000 12:44:27 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Mr.T |
Email: | I'm not telling you! |
HomePage: | http://www.Ahhhhhhhhhh!.com |
Where are you from: | How am I supposed to know |
Comments: | I pity the fool! |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | All.Well...not planescape |
What's your favorite character class/race? | Tinker gnome |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | I think so¿? |
June 5, 2000 20:54:10 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Josh |
Email: | |
HomePage: | I don't have one but it's still hyperlinked anyway |
Where are you from: | Lost Drive in the Middle of Nowhere (I'm not Kidding) |
Comments: | D, as you would call yourself, what Chronicles are these that you mention? Oh well, it doesn't matter, But, seeing as how this site is upgraded most of the time during the school year, I hope to see it upgraded even more in the Summer. Meanwhile try to finish the expansive information already here |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | |
What's your favorite character class/race? | |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | P.S. : Recently Tried Werewolf, pretty Munchainy |
May 24, 2000 02:10:10 (GMT Time) |
Name: | D |
Email: | |
HomePage: | http:// |
Where are you from: | somewhere |
Comments: | AD&D is a great game but a new DM once in a while can really spice up the action or make it fresh. do as you must. |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | gaian chronicals |
What's your favorite character class/race? | half elf |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | maybe |
May 11, 2000 21:17:49 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Bob again (no that's not my real name, I'll keep you guessing) |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | I know where I'm from so it's really irrelevant. |
Comments: | Doh! Sorry about that previous entry (hit the darn return key)! Anyhoo, just thanking one and all for signing the new guest book (even though it's just people from my playing group). I'm afraid I have to agree with Josh with the fact that Planescape is not the best setting (come on, how can you love a place that attacks kender?!). Well, peace out people and enjoy the website (more to come!) |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | |
What's your favorite character class/race? | |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | |
May 11, 2000 00:39:43 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Bob again |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | I know where I'm from so it's really irrelevent. |
Comments: | |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | |
What's your favorite character class/race? | |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | |
May 11, 2000 00:35:27 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Josh |
Email: | |
HomePage: | None |
Where are you from: | The Isle of Evermeet |
Comments: | DreadKnight, have you been to your page recently? This site is uncomparibly better than yours. Also,Planescape is not the best campain setting. This site is great, check out the funny stuff especially, as well as all the source information. I consider myself to be somewhat of an expert on priests (Especially in Forgotten Realms, but it's not like I wrote it or anything), but if you have any questions, just e-mail me. In the mean time, relax, and enjoy this great site. |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | Forgotten Realms |
What's your favorite character class/race? | Priest/Elf or Half-Elf |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | Learning to play Shawdow Run, it's pretty cool. |
May 10, 2000 23:11:27 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Josh |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | |
Comments: | |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | |
What's your favorite character class/race? | |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | |
May 10, 2000 22:58:06 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Josh |
Email: | |
HomePage: | None |
Where are you from: | The isle of Evermeet |
Comments: | This page is great. DreadKnight's is ok, but comes no where close to this page, and Planescape is definately not the best Campain Setting. The funny stuff section of this page is great, so check it out. I consider myself quite an expert on priests (especially those in forgotten realms), I have quite a few sourcebooks, so if you have any questions, e-mail me. In the mean time, enjoy this site. |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | Forgotten Realms |
What's your favorite character class/race? | Priest/Elf or Half-Elf |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | I'm learning to play Shawdow Run |
May 10, 2000 22:50:44 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Chuck |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | from the far reaches of the deep umbra (sigil for those or you not yet enlightened) |
Comments: | This Page rocks but mine is better so come and see it. Especially since this one has nothin on Planescape the best world ever. but this page rocks too so enjoy and watch out for falling firiery mountains (i should know). Oh and Neo726 is really cool not like that other jerk funning this page. |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | Duh, Planescape (World of Darkness) |
What's your favorite character class/race? | Rangers and Mages (paladins are cool too) Lupus |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | darn right Werewolf:The Apocolypse Vampire and all the other World of Darkness stuff |
May 10, 2000 22:31:59 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Chuck |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | Roanoke VA |
Comments: | This Page rocks but mine is better so come and see it. Especially since this one has nothin on Planescape the best world ever. but this page rocks too so enjoy and watch out for falling firiery mountains |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | Duh, Planescape (World of Darkness but it and AD&D) |
What's your favorite character class/race? | Rangers and Mages (paladins are cool too) I guess Eleves and Half Elves |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | darn right Werewolf:The Apocolypse Vampire and all the other World of Darkness stuff |
May 10, 2000 22:28:14 (GMT Time) |
Name: | me |
Email: | |
HomePage: | the one you are at right now, and |
Where are you from: | right here |
Comments: | don't pay attention to this, i'm just messing around |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | Ravenloft/Dragonlance |
What's your favorite character class/race? | Thief/Kender |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | White-wolf (check out my webpage, look above) |
May 10, 2000 16:39:11 (GMT Time) |
Name: | Bob the Wonder Clown |
Email: | |
HomePage: | |
Where are you from: | The fourth planet in the Vega system |
Comments: | I'm just testing this thing out (pay no attention to my outlandish comments) :)! |
What is your favorite Campaign setting? | Dragonlance!!!!!!! Go kender :)! |
What's your favorite character class/race? | Mages/Humans (yeah I'm boring, so what?) |
Do you play any other gaming systems? | Currently learning Shadowrun (hope to get a site up about that!) |
May 9, 2000 00:43:35 (GMT Time) |