Fear, Horror, Madness


    This is what sets Ravenloft apart form any other realm. F, H, M (fear, horror, madness) are how well your character can deal with his surroundings. They are numbers that you roll when you come across a situation. They are all different for the different level/class, look below for the charts.


    You would role this when the party encounters something dangerous, but not supernatural. i.e. the party is trapped in a pit with a 10 foot tall monster with spikes all over it and no obvious vulnerable points (very stretched).

Fear triggers:


     Horror is more like an intense feeling of fear and then some. You role this when something happens that confounds logic and common sense. i.e. when someone you know very well, like your spouse, morphs into some creature that you have never seen or heard of.

Horror triggers:


    This happens when a character is exposed to things that cannot be explained or even begin to be understood. i.e. a character is talking to someone on the street who instantly shatters into millions of pieces, each towns person that get hit by a piece also shatters.

Madness triggers:


 Here is the tables with all the numbers the character will have to role above, when making a F, H, M check, according to class/level


Character Level Fear Horror Madness
0 13 19 19
1-2 12 18 18
3-4 11 17 17
5-6 10 16 16
7-8 9 15 15
9-10 7 14 14
11-12 6 13 13
13-14 4 12 12
15-16 2 10 11
17-18 2 8 10
19-20 2 6 8



Character Level Fear Horror Madness
0 17 15 19
1-2 16 14 18
3-4 15 13 17
5-6 14 12 16
7-8 13 11 15
9-10 12 10 14
11-12 10 9 13
13-14 8 8 12
15-16 6 6 11
17-18 4 4 10
19-20 2 2 8



Character Level Fear Horror Madness
0 14 16 19
1-2 13 15 18
3-4 12 14 17
5-6 11 13 16
7-8 10 12 15
9-10 9 11 14
11-12 7 10 13
13-14 5 9 12
15-16 3 7 11
17-18 2 5 10
19-20 2 3 8



Character Level Fear Horror Madness
0 16 16 19
1-2 15 15 18
3-4 14 14 17
5-6 13 13 16
7-8 12 12 15
9-10 11 11 14
11-12 9 10 13
13-14 7 9 12
15-16 5 7 11
17-18 3 5 10
19-20 2 3 8


How to make the Check

    you role 1d20 and you must role your score or above according to the charts above. There are modifiers which aren't necessary, If you want them they will be in the downloads section of this website (they are called "F, H, M Modifiers").

If you fail the check...

    This is what happens when you fail the check even with the modifiers. Role 1d6 plus modifiers (which are also at the downloads section, they are called "Failed Check Modifiers"). 


Fumble You drop everything you are holding. A successful saving throw vs. fall needs to be made for very item dropped or you get hit by it 
Gape You are paralyzed from fear and can't move for one round, unless pushed. A strike intended for the gaped character gets a +2 attack bonus
Scream You forfeit your action for that round but you can defend yourself, DM determines what happens in response to the scream, you at least make a surprise attack unachievable
Stagger You trip and fall, for any item in your hands, you must make a sucseful dex check or drop it. If you drop it, save vs. fall or get hit by it. Spend one roung getting up
System Shock  
