Dustin's Thieves' Guild

This is my (neo726) personal section of this site.  Feel free to give me any pointers on what to do to make this site better.

The Art of the Thief

Since I don't have as much to offer as  Magus' Tower like new spells or something. I will explain how I think thieves should act. All of my thieves are chaotic neutral because that is the do what you want when you want kind of alignment. I don't think thieves would would be lawful anything because... well, their thieves. Usually I think of thieves as curious and nice not dark and plotting. Well okay sometimes they're not always happy, they might be adventures but I never play them really evilly. Don't feel any guilt about stealing things from your party. I do it all the time. I mean, come on what fun is it to play a thief  if you feel guilty about stealing things?

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