Welcome to the pirates of the knar's website, a great source of Dragonlance, Ravenloft, and other Ad&d material


Welcome to the
Pirates of the Knar's

If you somehow inadvertently found this page, that's great!  It's a first, so give us a little credit.  This site is a great resource for material on Dragonlance, Ravenloft, and many of the AD&D character classes.  Enjoy!



Wow!  We've got a lot of people coming in now (don't stop)!  We've been working on some updates to the format of our site (adding some rollover effects and animations) so check back for more.  Also, updates to the Ravenloft and Funny sections are on their way, so come back soon!  There is a new topic on the Dragonlance message board, so go interact!  Last updated: 3/10/01

Makes you feel like part of a crowd, doesn't it?

You are snack #  10922  for Rover !

Click to continue (most of the the pics are links back to the main page)!

*Note*  This site uses layers and requires 4.0 browser or better.