Welcome to the pirates of the knar's website, a great source of
Dragonlance, Ravenloft, and other Ad&d material
to the
Pirates of the Knar's
If you
somehow inadvertently found this page, that's great! It's a
first, so give us a little credit. This site is a great resource for
material on Dragonlance, Ravenloft, and many of the AD&D character
classes. Enjoy!
Makes you feel like
part of a crowd, doesn't it?
You are snack #
Rover !
Click to continue (most of the
the pics are links back to the main page)!
*Note* This site uses layers and requires
4.0 browser or better.
- All pictures are copyrights of their
original artists (we didn't do them). Most are by Larry
Elmore. Check the links section for a list of the sites.
- All references to AD&D and related
materials are also copyrights of their respective owners.
- All original ideas are copyrights of us
(please ask before you use them).